It seems there is always something preventing me from doing what I want to do. In this instance I want to share some photos with you showing what we have been up to recently. But alas the camera is flat as a pancake and I can't find the batteries anywhere. So that's where I have been-waiting for the darn batteries to turn up.
The princess carriage has arrived and is in nightly service making trips to dreamland. Hayd put it up surprisingly quickly, with only 2-3 *F* bombs, and it looks great. I love the mattress we bought her it is super thick and comfy-have almost found my way in there for a nap multiple times this week. It just looks so inviting!
Only just over 2 weeks till our holiday! Yay! It has gone so quickly and I am trying not to get too excited incase the time starts to drag. Have bought two little sundresses off ebay and some new sunnies so I am hoping the weatherman complies with my wish for sunshine & blue skies.
anyways must be off ( yet again i am stalking our postman)
Tuesday, July 29, 2008
How to look good naked!
Oh how I love this show! I watch it every Tuesday night.
Though perhaps I should try and stop watching it because every week it breaks my heart :O(
It is absolutely astounding to me how many women hate their bodies. We are not just talking about those that are out shape either, women with perfectly healthy and pretty perfect (IMO) bodies are hating themselves just as much as women with more 'average' figures.
If women with the supposed 'ideal' body shapes can't even love their bodies it makes me wonder how much harder it is for us mere mortals?
I make Hayd watch it with me and he sits there just dumbfounded. From what I can gather he thinks women in general are just a little bit psycho. I still don't think he realises the gravity of the problem though-or just how widespread the self imposed body hatred really is!
I have a friend, whom I love that I am a little concerned about. She has a history with bulimia. The last time I saw her she not only made various references to her own weight but commented on the weight of three other people we both know too. She wasn't being rude or anything-and she's not a stupid girl by any means (meaning she does have much more to offer than weight chats!) but it was worrying how much her own size-and the size of others appeared to consume her thoughts.
On one hand it makes me inspired-makes me want to finish my degree and get out there and fight the war. But on the other hand it makes me tired, weary, exhausted before I even get to begin. Because the battle is just so big-it feels helpless, I feel helpless.
So here's to Gok (among others) ,who is out there fighting in the trenches
Love you Gok!
Oh how I love this show! I watch it every Tuesday night.
Though perhaps I should try and stop watching it because every week it breaks my heart :O(
It is absolutely astounding to me how many women hate their bodies. We are not just talking about those that are out shape either, women with perfectly healthy and pretty perfect (IMO) bodies are hating themselves just as much as women with more 'average' figures.
If women with the supposed 'ideal' body shapes can't even love their bodies it makes me wonder how much harder it is for us mere mortals?
I make Hayd watch it with me and he sits there just dumbfounded. From what I can gather he thinks women in general are just a little bit psycho. I still don't think he realises the gravity of the problem though-or just how widespread the self imposed body hatred really is!
I have a friend, whom I love that I am a little concerned about. She has a history with bulimia. The last time I saw her she not only made various references to her own weight but commented on the weight of three other people we both know too. She wasn't being rude or anything-and she's not a stupid girl by any means (meaning she does have much more to offer than weight chats!) but it was worrying how much her own size-and the size of others appeared to consume her thoughts.
On one hand it makes me inspired-makes me want to finish my degree and get out there and fight the war. But on the other hand it makes me tired, weary, exhausted before I even get to begin. Because the battle is just so big-it feels helpless, I feel helpless.
So here's to Gok (among others) ,who is out there fighting in the trenches
Love you Gok!
Sunday, July 20, 2008
Get the picture?
Just to give you some idea of the size of my breasts-in proportion to the rest of my body......that my friends is not a hat-that is my bra! The cup fits over my head quite generously, yes it is bigger than my head! That is why I need some serious (and yes, expensive) engineering in place to keep the gals contained.
So, the spending spree. It's taxtime again ...Yipee! We opt not to receive any of the family tax benefit A/B etc through the year so at tax time-besides our returns we get a tidy lump sump payment. Its a lovely bonus and a bit of forced savings really.
This year it was allocated towards $1000, for me to spend how I chose, on myself-that's why I have been wearing bras that are falling apart with no underwires & rusted back clasps for the last 6 months. Have REALLY been looking forward to tax time! As I got 20% discount I ended up saving over $100 of the original price-besides 7 bras to last me the year is really the minimum I could get away with.
The days of my whipping into Kmart, Target, Best n Less etc for a $20 bra are far from over. Even in the "plus" sized an E and maybe and F is how far they will go (I'm a GG-H depending on the brand) and to be honest they are poor quality and don't do anything for my bust anyway which is really friggin heavy! Those of you lucky enough to have breasts that fit 'mainstream' bras really can't undrestand how frustrating it is for me. I can only ever ger bras my size from big department stores or proper lingerie shops (which by the way are just as expensive for me-and without the discount :O( ) Besides that, there are always only one or two styles to choose from and they are generally a lovely shade of beige.
I think I have just as much right to beautiful, well fitting underwear as anyone else-and whilst I hate the fact that for me that means I have to spend a whole lot of money-there's not really much I can do about it. So I generally wait till we have saved some money-or tax time-and then go by a few to last the year. This is the first time I have bought a full set of seven, many years of doing this have shown me that when I buy two or three I they get worn out and unwearable in 6 months and I spend the rest of the year feeling self-conscious and uncomfortable about my oversized breasts bouncing about. Not to mention how unsexy it is to be wearing holey bras in the bedroom.
Haydn was also allocated the same amount-he chose to spend it upgrading his computer.
We allocated $1000 to Grace for a new bedroom set including drawers etc. We were quoted $599 for the bed which was $ 200 off the original price & the same price as the white king single we were looking at from fortywinks & the twin bunks from the bedshed. Both sets of grandparents are also contributing to the kitty as part of her birthday present-otherwise we would never have been able to consider something so fancy.
We allocated $2000 towards our holiday -which came in under $1600
and the rest goes on savings/rego/insurance/credit cards.
Phew! That was a bit of a mouthful! Just thought I'd better assure you that no banks have been robbed in the process of making this blog.
Thankyou for the feedback re the bed. I have been really tornsince I saw it. It is actually a standard single-though it looks much smaller in the picture-so technically she'd "fit" it for jsut as long as a normal single-but you are right, I think she will mature out of it in time. I just can't remember how long the 'princess' faze lasts???? I think I might be the exception to the rule because if I could fit in that bed I just might but I'm pretty sure the average girl would be over it a lil quicker than that.
If we had another girl then we would definately use it again and I do wonder if it would be easy to sell something so cute if we didn't want it anymore. I looked at another website and the canopy,circular part actually comes off so that is always an option too. We called the g'parents last night and both of them were happy for her to have it (I expected to hear some negative feedback from that direction but was pleasantly surprised-seems they think she is well fit for a princess bed!).
I'm still very torn though. I have been searching so many types of beds for the last couple of weeks online and it gets to the point where it is really overwhelming. Adding the 5 different bedshops we went to yesterday and I'm at the point where I just want to choose and be done with it. If it was any more expensive we wouldn't have even considered it-just turns out that it was exactly the price quoted for the other single beds we looked at (which I actually love but Hayd says is a bit too plain!). Hayd really liked this bed with little portholes in the head-it was kinda cute and had a kind of 'cartoony' look about it. Must have been the shape or something. It was a bit too odd for me!
And yes Kate-I looked at Ikea, the prob for us is the only IKEA is about an hour and a half away (with regards to delivery) and our car is simply not big enough to bring the flat-packs home (not to mention a mattress). I know because we have attempted it a ridiculous amount of times-including the time that we had to empty the box out and fit a desk into our car piece by piece and have it float around the boot for the rest of the ride home!!!!!!! We really wanted to get something from the big strip of homemaker shops which is very close by. The last time we ordered furniture from brisbane for delivery it took ages and I really don't want to have to wait.
ho, hum I really just don't know.
This year it was allocated towards $1000, for me to spend how I chose, on myself-that's why I have been wearing bras that are falling apart with no underwires & rusted back clasps for the last 6 months. Have REALLY been looking forward to tax time! As I got 20% discount I ended up saving over $100 of the original price-besides 7 bras to last me the year is really the minimum I could get away with.
The days of my whipping into Kmart, Target, Best n Less etc for a $20 bra are far from over. Even in the "plus" sized an E and maybe and F is how far they will go (I'm a GG-H depending on the brand) and to be honest they are poor quality and don't do anything for my bust anyway which is really friggin heavy! Those of you lucky enough to have breasts that fit 'mainstream' bras really can't undrestand how frustrating it is for me. I can only ever ger bras my size from big department stores or proper lingerie shops (which by the way are just as expensive for me-and without the discount :O( ) Besides that, there are always only one or two styles to choose from and they are generally a lovely shade of beige.
I think I have just as much right to beautiful, well fitting underwear as anyone else-and whilst I hate the fact that for me that means I have to spend a whole lot of money-there's not really much I can do about it. So I generally wait till we have saved some money-or tax time-and then go by a few to last the year. This is the first time I have bought a full set of seven, many years of doing this have shown me that when I buy two or three I they get worn out and unwearable in 6 months and I spend the rest of the year feeling self-conscious and uncomfortable about my oversized breasts bouncing about. Not to mention how unsexy it is to be wearing holey bras in the bedroom.
Haydn was also allocated the same amount-he chose to spend it upgrading his computer.
We allocated $1000 to Grace for a new bedroom set including drawers etc. We were quoted $599 for the bed which was $ 200 off the original price & the same price as the white king single we were looking at from fortywinks & the twin bunks from the bedshed. Both sets of grandparents are also contributing to the kitty as part of her birthday present-otherwise we would never have been able to consider something so fancy.
We allocated $2000 towards our holiday -which came in under $1600
and the rest goes on savings/rego/insurance/credit cards.
Phew! That was a bit of a mouthful! Just thought I'd better assure you that no banks have been robbed in the process of making this blog.
Thankyou for the feedback re the bed. I have been really tornsince I saw it. It is actually a standard single-though it looks much smaller in the picture-so technically she'd "fit" it for jsut as long as a normal single-but you are right, I think she will mature out of it in time. I just can't remember how long the 'princess' faze lasts???? I think I might be the exception to the rule because if I could fit in that bed I just might but I'm pretty sure the average girl would be over it a lil quicker than that.
If we had another girl then we would definately use it again and I do wonder if it would be easy to sell something so cute if we didn't want it anymore. I looked at another website and the canopy,circular part actually comes off so that is always an option too. We called the g'parents last night and both of them were happy for her to have it (I expected to hear some negative feedback from that direction but was pleasantly surprised-seems they think she is well fit for a princess bed!).
I'm still very torn though. I have been searching so many types of beds for the last couple of weeks online and it gets to the point where it is really overwhelming. Adding the 5 different bedshops we went to yesterday and I'm at the point where I just want to choose and be done with it. If it was any more expensive we wouldn't have even considered it-just turns out that it was exactly the price quoted for the other single beds we looked at (which I actually love but Hayd says is a bit too plain!). Hayd really liked this bed with little portholes in the head-it was kinda cute and had a kind of 'cartoony' look about it. Must have been the shape or something. It was a bit too odd for me!
And yes Kate-I looked at Ikea, the prob for us is the only IKEA is about an hour and a half away (with regards to delivery) and our car is simply not big enough to bring the flat-packs home (not to mention a mattress). I know because we have attempted it a ridiculous amount of times-including the time that we had to empty the box out and fit a desk into our car piece by piece and have it float around the boot for the rest of the ride home!!!!!!! We really wanted to get something from the big strip of homemaker shops which is very close by. The last time we ordered furniture from brisbane for delivery it took ages and I really don't want to have to wait.
ho, hum I really just don't know.
Our Lil Princess
Saturday, July 19, 2008
We went to the bra shop today and now I feel lovely. I feel so pampered and special when I have lovely and properly fitted underwear. I fee confident and secure knowing my boosums are where they should be and are comfortably supported.
got one of these
in the blue colour!
and these, in a slightly lighter pink
One of these in white
One of these just for everyday
and two of these -one in the pink and one in the black I have to tell you I looooooooooove this bra, it's gorgeous!
and another ivory colour one that I can't find on the website.
How I love my bra lady-she's fantastic and they have the best customer service. I tried to squeeze into a couple of bras that were a bit small today just because they were pretty but she wouldn't let me, not even for an extra sale! And I wanted to get another strapless without the corset part and she said that the only ones that would work well were the type I already have so she won't try and sell me anything else.
And I get a twenty percent discount every time-that saved me over one hundred dollars today!
And they have free coffee and tea and biccys and cold water and magazines, and lollies and a whole stack of toys for kids to play, plus two big old comfy couches to sit on while you are waiting :O)
Such a fabulous business, I would be devestated if they ever closed. Since I went there the first time I haven't been anywhere else since!
They also do online orders so if you have big boosums you should check them out-they also now have a store on Qld's Gold Coast if you are ever up down that way.
As you can see, I love my bra store. My favourite store in the world!
Tonight I made some hommus (canned organic chick peas, garlic, olive oil, tahini, lemon juice, coriander salt & pepper) and had wholemeal pitas with lean mince, hummus, tabouli and light sour cream, & some salad. Was so light and fresh and lovely with a great flavour. yummmmm! that was to try and redeem myself from a fiasco with a double quarter pounder last night that hayd bought home. It was really delicious but twice the size of me and although I really wanted to put it down I just couldn't and ate the whole thing. I felt a bit sick and sorry for myself afterwards and a bit WTF??? Why did I just eat all that when my body was clearly sending me signals that I had had enough. :O(
I think it just tasted so yummy and I wasn't finished tasting it......even though there was no room left in my belly. So I promised myself a proper homemade dinner tonight with some fibre and some freshness. I hate the way my tummy feels when I eat food that isn't nourishing-it makes me feel kind of bloated and gassy and just not right. Well that's not exactly true-I tend to feel ok when I am eating cheesecake! hahahahaha!
I think I might be addicted to pitas this week actually, it seems to be the first thing I grab when I'm hungry. Yesterday I tried one with philly cream cheese and rasberry jam. Was pretty good, though i think I just saw an ad for strawberry philly already mixed up so I might have to try that. I was going to make one for lunch as a little pizza but Hayd took a trip to the fish and chip shop so I had one with grilled fish and salad and some hot chips to share.
You really don't want to share hot chips with me. I can't just pick any old chip I stare at them for ages and dig through until I find the perfect ones. I love those see -through type ones that are really crispy. No other chip will do .Sometimes you get heaps in a box but most times it's just a few so i have to search for them. I have been known to scowl if someone happens to pick one of MY chips too. Charming I am!
I'm sooooo sleepy.......
night folks!
got one of these
in the blue colour!
and these, in a slightly lighter pink
One of these in white
One of these just for everyday
and two of these -one in the pink and one in the black I have to tell you I looooooooooove this bra, it's gorgeous!
and another ivory colour one that I can't find on the website.
How I love my bra lady-she's fantastic and they have the best customer service. I tried to squeeze into a couple of bras that were a bit small today just because they were pretty but she wouldn't let me, not even for an extra sale! And I wanted to get another strapless without the corset part and she said that the only ones that would work well were the type I already have so she won't try and sell me anything else.
And I get a twenty percent discount every time-that saved me over one hundred dollars today!
And they have free coffee and tea and biccys and cold water and magazines, and lollies and a whole stack of toys for kids to play, plus two big old comfy couches to sit on while you are waiting :O)
Such a fabulous business, I would be devestated if they ever closed. Since I went there the first time I haven't been anywhere else since!
They also do online orders so if you have big boosums you should check them out-they also now have a store on Qld's Gold Coast if you are ever up down that way.
As you can see, I love my bra store. My favourite store in the world!
Tonight I made some hommus (canned organic chick peas, garlic, olive oil, tahini, lemon juice, coriander salt & pepper) and had wholemeal pitas with lean mince, hummus, tabouli and light sour cream, & some salad. Was so light and fresh and lovely with a great flavour. yummmmm! that was to try and redeem myself from a fiasco with a double quarter pounder last night that hayd bought home. It was really delicious but twice the size of me and although I really wanted to put it down I just couldn't and ate the whole thing. I felt a bit sick and sorry for myself afterwards and a bit WTF??? Why did I just eat all that when my body was clearly sending me signals that I had had enough. :O(
I think it just tasted so yummy and I wasn't finished tasting it......even though there was no room left in my belly. So I promised myself a proper homemade dinner tonight with some fibre and some freshness. I hate the way my tummy feels when I eat food that isn't nourishing-it makes me feel kind of bloated and gassy and just not right. Well that's not exactly true-I tend to feel ok when I am eating cheesecake! hahahahaha!
I think I might be addicted to pitas this week actually, it seems to be the first thing I grab when I'm hungry. Yesterday I tried one with philly cream cheese and rasberry jam. Was pretty good, though i think I just saw an ad for strawberry philly already mixed up so I might have to try that. I was going to make one for lunch as a little pizza but Hayd took a trip to the fish and chip shop so I had one with grilled fish and salad and some hot chips to share.
You really don't want to share hot chips with me. I can't just pick any old chip I stare at them for ages and dig through until I find the perfect ones. I love those see -through type ones that are really crispy. No other chip will do .Sometimes you get heaps in a box but most times it's just a few so i have to search for them. I have been known to scowl if someone happens to pick one of MY chips too. Charming I am!
I'm sooooo sleepy.......
night folks!
Thursday, July 17, 2008
I've been shopping :O)
Yep, pretty self explanatory this one!
So I haven't had a proper pair of swim togs in years, literally. I have had many terrible combinations of ugly board shorts and old daggy singlets three sizes too big but no proper swimwear that looks pretty or actually gives me any freedom of movement:O(
I was going to try my usual bra shop....
but alas it looks like they are mid-season or something and don't have a very big range. You see the 'girls' (again GG) need some heavy duty engineering, even in swimwear so I need a style with a proper underwire bra involved somehow or they just escape.
So a bit of a google search and I found this site
and this nifty set
and chose this style
with the roll top bottoms. Yay! I ordered them now hoping that they will arrive well in time for our holiday and so I would have a chance to exchange them if they were the wrong fit .
I'm pretty excited about it, can't remember the last time I had a swim without feeing like I was fully dressed and being weighed down by a tonne of fabric. I also ordered a Kaftan & some pull up shorts & maybe a sarong? my bad.
We have an engagement party next friday night and I was left with a similar dilemma. I have maaannny dresses but none suitable for the chilly weather we have been having lately. One would think that I could just wear one of said dresses with a jacket/shrug/similar but alas I have none of those either. Winter for me is really ridiculous as I struggle every year to make my summer clothes last all year round. My winter items consist of a heavy cashmere coat, a couple of bonds hoodies, 2 cardigans (one of which i wear so often it's starting to get holey!) and one pair of black pants. Ooh and a pair of trackies!
My one and only pair of jeans has a big hole in the crotch, probably because I bought them just after I had grace and it's been my only pair since!
So I didn't really have anything to wear to a winter party.
Until...... I found this (actually I have been eyeing it off for ages hoping it would end up in the 'clearance' section!
I love entitled clothing, it's so well made and not an eastic waistband in sight! But the prices are generally a little out of my budget so I stalk the clearance bin like a psycho. Seriously, I check almost daily! I was lucky enough recently to find this
for half price but it looks like there is only a few sizes left so I'm lucky I snaffled mine up quickly (see, stalking really does work!).
Anyways so I have placed my order and if it arrives by friday then I will be all set-if not then I'm screwed.
So as you can see I've been shopping my little (err..big) socks off & Hayd has promised my boosums a trip to the bra shop soon as all of my bras are falling apart and the underwires went awol long ago :O( Yay!
Anyways must be off, I'm sposed to be working...shhhh!
So I haven't had a proper pair of swim togs in years, literally. I have had many terrible combinations of ugly board shorts and old daggy singlets three sizes too big but no proper swimwear that looks pretty or actually gives me any freedom of movement:O(
I was going to try my usual bra shop....
but alas it looks like they are mid-season or something and don't have a very big range. You see the 'girls' (again GG) need some heavy duty engineering, even in swimwear so I need a style with a proper underwire bra involved somehow or they just escape.
So a bit of a google search and I found this site
and this nifty set
and chose this style
with the roll top bottoms. Yay! I ordered them now hoping that they will arrive well in time for our holiday and so I would have a chance to exchange them if they were the wrong fit .
I'm pretty excited about it, can't remember the last time I had a swim without feeing like I was fully dressed and being weighed down by a tonne of fabric. I also ordered a Kaftan & some pull up shorts & maybe a sarong? my bad.
We have an engagement party next friday night and I was left with a similar dilemma. I have maaannny dresses but none suitable for the chilly weather we have been having lately. One would think that I could just wear one of said dresses with a jacket/shrug/similar but alas I have none of those either. Winter for me is really ridiculous as I struggle every year to make my summer clothes last all year round. My winter items consist of a heavy cashmere coat, a couple of bonds hoodies, 2 cardigans (one of which i wear so often it's starting to get holey!) and one pair of black pants. Ooh and a pair of trackies!
My one and only pair of jeans has a big hole in the crotch, probably because I bought them just after I had grace and it's been my only pair since!
So I didn't really have anything to wear to a winter party.
Until...... I found this (actually I have been eyeing it off for ages hoping it would end up in the 'clearance' section!
I love entitled clothing, it's so well made and not an eastic waistband in sight! But the prices are generally a little out of my budget so I stalk the clearance bin like a psycho. Seriously, I check almost daily! I was lucky enough recently to find this
for half price but it looks like there is only a few sizes left so I'm lucky I snaffled mine up quickly (see, stalking really does work!).
Anyways so I have placed my order and if it arrives by friday then I will be all set-if not then I'm screwed.
So as you can see I've been shopping my little (err..big) socks off & Hayd has promised my boosums a trip to the bra shop soon as all of my bras are falling apart and the underwires went awol long ago :O( Yay!
Anyways must be off, I'm sposed to be working...shhhh!
Friday, July 11, 2008
I found one! It's all safely booked and I am sooooooooooooooooooooo happy and relieved & guess what? We got an absolutely awesome deal! Instead of paying $330 per night we got it for $220 & pay 3 stay 5! So we got 7 nights for under $1600 in a 3 bedroom beachouse with direct beach access..huzzah!
scroll down to the three bed B/H & check out the resort pool, it is 75m long and sooooo stunning!
I am really happy with our choice, and super happy that it was available and under our budget. I wanted to pick the 4 bedroom one because it had it's own private pool but Hayd reminded me that there was ony 3 of us and for the extra money it just wasn't worth it-so he is really pleased with our choice too.
Happy, happy happy. Now I am going straight into psycho list making mode, writing all that we need to pack and do before we go.
Travelling with me is no
scroll down to the three bed B/H & check out the resort pool, it is 75m long and sooooo stunning!
I am really happy with our choice, and super happy that it was available and under our budget. I wanted to pick the 4 bedroom one because it had it's own private pool but Hayd reminded me that there was ony 3 of us and for the extra money it just wasn't worth it-so he is really pleased with our choice too.
Happy, happy happy. Now I am going straight into psycho list making mode, writing all that we need to pack and do before we go.
Travelling with me is no
Thursday, July 10, 2008
My not so short list....Tall list?
Perhaps you guys could vote for your fav?
But don't go stealing my accommodation or I will hunt you down, seriously I am like that!
(Just Jokes!)
Haha Tato-figured that out bout 5 mins after I did it-couldn't b bothered deleting!
Monday, July 7, 2008
Always happens to me!
:O( Not five minutes later I got the email saying it was booked out! Even though the website said it was vacant for the next 6 months!!!! GRRRRRRRRRR! This always happens to us-seriously it's a running joke in our house. Whenever we are after something specific-whether it be food, a size, a book from the library,a time for an appointment-whatever it happens to be, the one we want is always out! damn damn damn-back to the website!
I think i finally found the one!

I have spent the last month searching endless sites trying to find the right place for our holiday in August. We considered doing the whole Gold Coast theme park deal, we considered going further to the whitsundays etc, we considered going to the snow.......but in the end we found the perfect place pretty close to home.
People laugh at us when we holiday on the sunshine coast, because we live here but it is such a beautiful place and whilst we live here we do not live in a luxury penthouse on the beach or in a mansion on the river-we live in a rather modest older home with a teeny tiny bathroom and dodgy lino in thelounge.
Haydn only has a week off this time because he has more holidays booked for October so staying close to home means we can enjoy every day rather than having to factor in extra time and money for travel.
So anyways I looked and looked-literally at hundreds of properties including hotels, tourist parks, b&bs, cottages, farm stays etc etc and it was amazing the vast difference in accommodation types at the same price point.It pays to do your research people!
I found a stunning holiday home in Tinbeerwah (which is a little more rural) and fell in love with it, but Hayd reminded me of the logistics and reality of a four year old cyclone we will have with us who also happens to be the birthday girl so with a slightly heavy heart I decided to keep looking.I might have to post the link because the house really was special and very charming.I would happily move in there!
Late last night after many many pages on STAYZ I was just about to go to bed and i found it.Comparable pricewise to our favourites and very suitable for our needs yet still luxurious.Huzzah! Haydn had started to get very frustrated with me because I had looked at so many that were booked already, he had started to worry that we would miss out due to my pedantic research and indecision.
In my defence though it had to be perfect,we don't get to go away often and we were prepared to spend a relatively large some of money for a relatively short amount of time-i didn't want to regret my choice later and feel like it wasn't worth it!
sooooooooo.......drumroll please!
OOps for some reason the pictures came up really small? but hopefully you get the idea. The property has 3 bedrooms and 3 bathrooms , great entertaining areas, plunge pool, beautiful spa in main bedroom ensuite and I believe a spa bath in another, gorgeous big family kitchen, and is in a great position with the noosa river only metres away with views from many parts of the house and balinese style garden.
I love the style of the furnishings it is stylish but very relaxed and family oriented plus the finishes on the bathroom, kitchens etc look like lovely quality. Some places we looked at were ultra modern and very swish but they also looked a bit cold like a show home rather than somewhere you could relax and enjoy. The big old couch kinda sold me as I have seen waaaaaaaaaaay to many white suites over the last few days and have thought what a bloody nightmare for children!
Anyways so fingers crossed this is the one. I still have to show Hayd and then get in contact with the booking office.It is available but I'm not sure about the finer details regarding renting holiday houses etc because we have always stayed at resorts and hotels. I have been anxiously awaiting an email from the estate agent all day.
Wish me luck!
Saturday, July 5, 2008
Friday, July 4, 2008
Today is a day........
Of sitting cuddled up under a doona on the couch watching dvd's.
It's TTOM & I am feeling a little precious and miserable. We just watched "CLOVERFIELD" hayd's pick-and it was terrible.
I am about to watch "death at a funeral" then "27 dresses",will have to report back. I am also "purging"eggplant (yes, that's what the recipe called it! YEUK!) to make moussaka tonight. I might post a picture later if it isn't awful.I'm flying without a recipe & with some rather interesting ingredient substitutions so it's a bit of a gamble.
I have an almond magnum waiting for me in the fridge-& just tried some of those new WW chips. They are nice-but not worth the nearly $7 we paid for the 6 tiny 20g packets.Great chippy alternative though-without the icky feeling afterwards!
my movie is starting
It's TTOM & I am feeling a little precious and miserable. We just watched "CLOVERFIELD" hayd's pick-and it was terrible.
I am about to watch "death at a funeral" then "27 dresses",will have to report back. I am also "purging"eggplant (yes, that's what the recipe called it! YEUK!) to make moussaka tonight. I might post a picture later if it isn't awful.I'm flying without a recipe & with some rather interesting ingredient substitutions so it's a bit of a gamble.
I have an almond magnum waiting for me in the fridge-& just tried some of those new WW chips. They are nice-but not worth the nearly $7 we paid for the 6 tiny 20g packets.Great chippy alternative though-without the icky feeling afterwards!
my movie is starting
Tuesday, July 1, 2008
Balertines day!
I know, I know.....I'm on a post roll.
But i had to share!
Grace just came up to me with a box, she gave me a kiss on the cheek and said "happy Balertines Day"
I said may I open this and she said, sure you can.
To my surprise this is what was inside
1 x dirty baby wipe (good lord!)
1 x used tea towel
1 x dirty skirt (her's not mine)
1 x worn underpants (again, hers not mine!)
assorted broken crayons.
My child is a precious individual & I couldn't love her more!
But i had to share!
Grace just came up to me with a box, she gave me a kiss on the cheek and said "happy Balertines Day"
I said may I open this and she said, sure you can.
To my surprise this is what was inside
1 x dirty baby wipe (good lord!)
1 x used tea towel
1 x dirty skirt (her's not mine)
1 x worn underpants (again, hers not mine!)
assorted broken crayons.
My child is a precious individual & I couldn't love her more!
OOOh look who is a post-whore!
Ok so not real comfortable with the use of 'whore' in the title-was just trying on some sass for size & methink's it's a poor fit. The story of my life! haha!
I have been stalking the toy sale catalogues like a madwoman. I'm sure if i was left to my own devices I would establish a real shopping addiction. Miss Grace's fancies herself as quite the ballerina at the moment so I am eyeing off a dvd set that has ballerina type moves/instructions and a little practice bar.
I'm soooooooooooooooooooooo not wanting to encourage her to get into ballet as the whole body image issue is a real problem for me.But for now it's adorable and she really loves it so I will try and let it run it's course. Plus who doesn't melt at the sight of a tiny person in a fluffy pink tutu?
Speaking of Miss Grace, we also love this
It's a great resource and we downloaded the music player so now we have heaps of kids music to play for free :O)
Today is sooooooooooooo cold.BRrrrrrrrrrrrrr! I don't want to move from the couch. I figure I have at least three more days to veg out before uni starts again so i am going to try and make the most of it.
Oh well, for now i am going to go create a crunchy salad and get stuck into a certain pumpkin dip again in a makeshift dressing. My cravings are so odd! I think Hayd is getting a bit concerned at the many tubs of tabouli salad that I have consumed this week. Yes, i said week!
In my defence they were small tubs and the recommended serving size is half a pack so it's not really that outrageous-but if I start to turn green and leafy I may have to give it up! It's just soooo darn good and tangy-it kinda makes salad dressing redundant. But you have to get the Woolies one because the IGA brand is icky and dry and has too much capsicum in it.
Hope to be back to wax lyrical about salad some more soon!
By the way-Congratulations Miss Beck! May you have easy baby days ahead.
And thanks miss Katey-pie, I miss you too! xoxo
I have been stalking the toy sale catalogues like a madwoman. I'm sure if i was left to my own devices I would establish a real shopping addiction. Miss Grace's fancies herself as quite the ballerina at the moment so I am eyeing off a dvd set that has ballerina type moves/instructions and a little practice bar.
I'm soooooooooooooooooooooo not wanting to encourage her to get into ballet as the whole body image issue is a real problem for me.But for now it's adorable and she really loves it so I will try and let it run it's course. Plus who doesn't melt at the sight of a tiny person in a fluffy pink tutu?
Speaking of Miss Grace, we also love this
It's a great resource and we downloaded the music player so now we have heaps of kids music to play for free :O)
Today is sooooooooooooo cold.BRrrrrrrrrrrrrr! I don't want to move from the couch. I figure I have at least three more days to veg out before uni starts again so i am going to try and make the most of it.
Oh well, for now i am going to go create a crunchy salad and get stuck into a certain pumpkin dip again in a makeshift dressing. My cravings are so odd! I think Hayd is getting a bit concerned at the many tubs of tabouli salad that I have consumed this week. Yes, i said week!
In my defence they were small tubs and the recommended serving size is half a pack so it's not really that outrageous-but if I start to turn green and leafy I may have to give it up! It's just soooo darn good and tangy-it kinda makes salad dressing redundant. But you have to get the Woolies one because the IGA brand is icky and dry and has too much capsicum in it.
Hope to be back to wax lyrical about salad some more soon!
By the way-Congratulations Miss Beck! May you have easy baby days ahead.
And thanks miss Katey-pie, I miss you too! xoxo
Boy do I feel guilty!
i have thought many times over the past few weeks that i might as well just delete this blog as i rarely write anyway which leads me to think that noone could possibly still be reading either.
All is well :O)
I just can't be bothered writing!
Hmmmm I can't even remember what i last wrote about.
Baby stuff? We decided to put our plans on hold again for a little while longer while we organise private health insurance and wait out the 3-4-5 month buffer zone. It was a bit disappointing but it feels like the right thing to do because there is a really fantastic private hospital near us that has very low intervention rates and has a birth philosophy that feels right to me. They are also one of the only hospy's in my state that encourages water births which is something that i have always been drawn too. i have always been a water baby and have spent hours in the bath or sitting on the floor of the shower over the years, i find it comforting and soothing. So the thought of even labouring in water is really appealing to me.
We are also waiting for another one of our monthly expenses to be completed so we have the extra money.
Grace is so amazing, she was supposed to move up into the next level at swim class but unfortunately we are unable to make that session-so she will just stay in the same class this semester.
I am well :O)
have been on uni holidays and it's almost over. I feel glad to get back into it because I have been feeling a bit bored. I will be doing a nutrition elective next semester and am really excited about it.i think it will tie in really well with my ED background/study focus. I had a sneak peak at the text am itching to get into it. The macro nutrient content of foods is fascinating to me.
After so many years of dieting madness knowing all about calories and blah blah blah it's interesting to learn the important stuff about the good things that foods can do for our body.when you are starving yourself these details kind of get lost in the wayside.
I have been on a vegetable love affair right now. I had hated broccoli for as long as I could remember and just the other day I had the bright idea to try it raw in a salad.Now I can't get enough of the stuff and it feels so good to enjoy something that i know is so good for me.Yay for green veg!
I think part of my aversion to some vegies has been the awful way my mum used to boil the bageebers out of them. I felt a bit weird eating them raw as a side the other night-but then I thought about the principles of IE and i figured if that's how I prefer my vegies then why shouldn't I eat them that way?
I'm also in love with pumpkin and blue cheese dip-funnily enough so is miss grace!
Hayd is well. He has a week off around grace's b'day so we are trying to plan a mini holiday. I was so surprised to find that even in off season places were booked out months in advance.Bummer huh?
I am going to be a bridesmaid-matron of honour to be exact! Just between you and me I have to be one of the most reluctant bridesmaids ever-the thought of even a tiny pinch of the limelight makes me want to run up the aisles shrieking! Grace has been asked to be a flowergirl so that is pretty darn sweet! Ugh lord knows what hideous dress i will have to wear.
um, um ,um, this is a rambling long post but i am struggling to remember all I had to tell you. I almost sent you guys some great youtube videos to watch the other day but laziness got the better of me.
Sharon & Ross : if you ever manage to read this you will be happy to know that Grace and I have made great use of the presents you sent to us this winter. The 'gator' shirt has been my nighttime friend for weeks and Grace's disney princess number has almost become too short in the arms! I can't believe it's been that long! I've also found an american foodstuffs supplier and guess what? they have canned pumpkin...huzzah!
Sorry everyone else-trying to communicate with everyone all at once. The online american food store looks soooo cool. Hayd and i want to grab a bundle of american sweeties and experience obesity the old fashioned way-bring on the peanut butter cups i say!
Now look at this lovely long post-i'm a star!
sending love and many bad blogger apologies to all
i have thought many times over the past few weeks that i might as well just delete this blog as i rarely write anyway which leads me to think that noone could possibly still be reading either.
All is well :O)
I just can't be bothered writing!
Hmmmm I can't even remember what i last wrote about.
Baby stuff? We decided to put our plans on hold again for a little while longer while we organise private health insurance and wait out the 3-4-5 month buffer zone. It was a bit disappointing but it feels like the right thing to do because there is a really fantastic private hospital near us that has very low intervention rates and has a birth philosophy that feels right to me. They are also one of the only hospy's in my state that encourages water births which is something that i have always been drawn too. i have always been a water baby and have spent hours in the bath or sitting on the floor of the shower over the years, i find it comforting and soothing. So the thought of even labouring in water is really appealing to me.
We are also waiting for another one of our monthly expenses to be completed so we have the extra money.
Grace is so amazing, she was supposed to move up into the next level at swim class but unfortunately we are unable to make that session-so she will just stay in the same class this semester.
I am well :O)
have been on uni holidays and it's almost over. I feel glad to get back into it because I have been feeling a bit bored. I will be doing a nutrition elective next semester and am really excited about it.i think it will tie in really well with my ED background/study focus. I had a sneak peak at the text am itching to get into it. The macro nutrient content of foods is fascinating to me.
After so many years of dieting madness knowing all about calories and blah blah blah it's interesting to learn the important stuff about the good things that foods can do for our body.when you are starving yourself these details kind of get lost in the wayside.
I have been on a vegetable love affair right now. I had hated broccoli for as long as I could remember and just the other day I had the bright idea to try it raw in a salad.Now I can't get enough of the stuff and it feels so good to enjoy something that i know is so good for me.Yay for green veg!
I think part of my aversion to some vegies has been the awful way my mum used to boil the bageebers out of them. I felt a bit weird eating them raw as a side the other night-but then I thought about the principles of IE and i figured if that's how I prefer my vegies then why shouldn't I eat them that way?
I'm also in love with pumpkin and blue cheese dip-funnily enough so is miss grace!
Hayd is well. He has a week off around grace's b'day so we are trying to plan a mini holiday. I was so surprised to find that even in off season places were booked out months in advance.Bummer huh?
I am going to be a bridesmaid-matron of honour to be exact! Just between you and me I have to be one of the most reluctant bridesmaids ever-the thought of even a tiny pinch of the limelight makes me want to run up the aisles shrieking! Grace has been asked to be a flowergirl so that is pretty darn sweet! Ugh lord knows what hideous dress i will have to wear.
um, um ,um, this is a rambling long post but i am struggling to remember all I had to tell you. I almost sent you guys some great youtube videos to watch the other day but laziness got the better of me.
Sharon & Ross : if you ever manage to read this you will be happy to know that Grace and I have made great use of the presents you sent to us this winter. The 'gator' shirt has been my nighttime friend for weeks and Grace's disney princess number has almost become too short in the arms! I can't believe it's been that long! I've also found an american foodstuffs supplier and guess what? they have canned pumpkin...huzzah!
Sorry everyone else-trying to communicate with everyone all at once. The online american food store looks soooo cool. Hayd and i want to grab a bundle of american sweeties and experience obesity the old fashioned way-bring on the peanut butter cups i say!
Now look at this lovely long post-i'm a star!
sending love and many bad blogger apologies to all
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