Wednesday, April 9, 2008

City Chic

The (big) City Chic site is currently under development and it looks like they will soon have online shopping...Huzzah! My bottom half is considerably larger than my top and I always find a generous pants fit there but there are only two queensland stores, none of which are close to me :O(

Please don't think that I forget there are all shapes and sizes who read my blogs because I know there are, it's just that I never hear any of my smaller friends complaining about not being able to find nice clothes in their size which is something I hear again and again from ladies who have more curves. Oops! (forgot to add the link ;)

1 comment:

Unknown said...

My cousin is one of the models in the latest catalogue! The chick wearing the funky purple top, the hot little miniskirt with the smokin' legs? That's my cousin, Sash!