Thursday, July 17, 2008

I've been shopping :O)

Yep, pretty self explanatory this one!

So I haven't had a proper pair of swim togs in years, literally. I have had many terrible combinations of ugly board shorts and old daggy singlets three sizes too big but no proper swimwear that looks pretty or actually gives me any freedom of movement:O(

I was going to try my usual bra shop....

but alas it looks like they are mid-season or something and don't have a very big range. You see the 'girls' (again GG) need some heavy duty engineering, even in swimwear so I need a style with a proper underwire bra involved somehow or they just escape.

So a bit of a google search and I found this site

and this nifty set

and chose this style

with the roll top bottoms. Yay! I ordered them now hoping that they will arrive well in time for our holiday and so I would have a chance to exchange them if they were the wrong fit .

I'm pretty excited about it, can't remember the last time I had a swim without feeing like I was fully dressed and being weighed down by a tonne of fabric. I also ordered a Kaftan & some pull up shorts & maybe a sarong? my bad.

We have an engagement party next friday night and I was left with a similar dilemma. I have maaannny dresses but none suitable for the chilly weather we have been having lately. One would think that I could just wear one of said dresses with a jacket/shrug/similar but alas I have none of those either. Winter for me is really ridiculous as I struggle every year to make my summer clothes last all year round. My winter items consist of a heavy cashmere coat, a couple of bonds hoodies, 2 cardigans (one of which i wear so often it's starting to get holey!) and one pair of black pants. Ooh and a pair of trackies!

My one and only pair of jeans has a big hole in the crotch, probably because I bought them just after I had grace and it's been my only pair since!

So I didn't really have anything to wear to a winter party.

Until...... I found this (actually I have been eyeing it off for ages hoping it would end up in the 'clearance' section!

I love entitled clothing, it's so well made and not an eastic waistband in sight! But the prices are generally a little out of my budget so I stalk the clearance bin like a psycho. Seriously, I check almost daily! I was lucky enough recently to find this

for half price but it looks like there is only a few sizes left so I'm lucky I snaffled mine up quickly (see, stalking really does work!).

Anyways so I have placed my order and if it arrives by friday then I will be all set-if not then I'm screwed.

So as you can see I've been shopping my little (err..big) socks off & Hayd has promised my boosums a trip to the bra shop soon as all of my bras are falling apart and the underwires went awol long ago :O( Yay!

Anyways must be off, I'm sposed to be working...shhhh!


1 comment:

Kate said...

Love your new togs! They look beautiful :-) (Sorry I just can't bring myself to say bathers!) Hehe.