Thursday, October 16, 2008

Marshy and the pregnant godess.....

Pregnant Godess-are you f-ing kidding me????? Every time I read idiotic comments after people's IE posts I want to screech at each and every one of them. Especially yours, cause I know how frustrated you get, and Tato's grrrrrrr. Every single time! Morons!

Marshy- :( I wasn't so bothered by that one, but methinks it's just because I have heard that many ridiculous comments today that that one seems more tolerable. It seemed more of a dig at starbucks and their over indulgent use of the whipped cream/sugar combo than overweight people.

But i get what you are saying. Obesity is a complex issue and simplifying it in that way is both stupid and pointless. Not too mention the implication that all fatties do nothing but drink maxi cups of starbucks all day-but that might just be my jaded slant on it because today I feel fucking tired and fed up.


Unknown said...

Yeah, I'm probably sensitive today since I went to the doctor about seemingly serious ankle injury and to be told that it's because I'm too fat that my ankle is in pain, and that I need to exercise and eat less to lose weight!

When I told him how much exercise I do, he didn't believ me. Asshole.

Kate @ Loving Life said...

did I miss something? what is the tato reference in para 1?