Tuesday, August 5, 2008


Families!!!!!!!!!!!!! who would have them?

I am feeling so upset, angry and frustrated with my parents right now and I just don't know what to do with all of this negative energy. I love the both of them dearly but I find them unreasonable and impossible and completely unable to step outside their own selfish little bubble.

Ugh Ugh Ugh!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

What do you do in a situation with no resolution? What do you do with all the crazy emotional energy that bubbles around?

Part of me wants to let it go, let them be-but I am left with the emotional chaos that results from not being heard and the resentment from needs not being met for so long.

Another part of me wants to punish them-hurt them back-but that is just stupid and unproductive

The most sensible part of me wants to work it out with them-but there is just no talking to my parents.They are totally void of communication skills that most of us take for granted. They are totally unable to verbalise their emotions and totally unprepared to hear anyone else do the same. They prefer angry retorts and insults and sarcastic jabs.

They treat us like children as though we are not allowed a voice, and right now I feel like a naughty child for speaking up and questioning their actions.

It is insane-I am 26 years old.


Kate said...

My honest opinion is to talk to them. To set out a few main points you want to get across.. and tell them.. I just need you to listen to me while I tell you this stuff.. then say it. Even if you don't get a good response, the power of saying it when you usually don't is huge. It was the hardest thing for me to do with my Mum, but the personal satisfaction of releasing some of that negativity helped me so so much!

((Hugs babe))

Unknown said...

Yeah, it's pretty tough. I've tried talking to my Mum and Dad about numerous things, and they either blow me off for being getting 'worked up over nothing', or accuse me of being ungrateful as 'they had a harder life than you did'.

What Kate said is true, if you don't get a good response, you are empowered by the fact that you said it, and that gives you added strength and more faith in yourself.

That being said, writing a letter (and that's a letter, not an email) is always a good alternative.