Tuesday, April 1, 2008


Lately as I dig through the archives of some fantastic bloggers that I have only just found recently, I think to myself where have I been? How could I have missed things like http://kateharding.net/2007/11/27/the-fantasy-of-being-thin/ and this http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=A8dm5VpYGH4 ???

I think somehow I lost my focus for a while on what was important to me, or how terribly important IE is to me. I think the size of my bum took up too many of my precious thoughts for a while and probably too much of my time. I don't know how it happened :O(

I think I was absent for a while, but now I am present.


Kate said...

I know exactly what you mean! I'd started to get complacent, thinking I'd 'got it', but that doesn't mean I can't still learn more. And surrounding myself in this stuff really validates what I'm doing and makes me feel good when my thoughts get challenged.

I am so glad you started this blog - it's really encouraged me to have a look around too. There is so much great stuff out there.

Kada said...

Welcome back, Lisa. I've missed you.