Tuesday, April 1, 2008


I thought this post was really great, you should watch the clip toohttp://the-f-word.org/blog/index.php/2008/02/05/morgan-rocks-m-j-show-show-addresses-binge-eating-disorder/-informative for those who know nothing about BED. What I liked most about the clip & the post is that they voiced something that I have been thinking for years-whilst anorexia sufferers are often on the end of sympathy or concern (because the physical symptoms of their disorder suggest illness and a sort of frailty), sufferers of BED are more likely to be at the brunt of jokes or outright hatred because the symptoms of their disorder (excess body weight , binge eating etc) are deemed distasteful (to put it VERY mildly) in our culture. The one other time I did mention it on my blog I received my first and last hateful comment telling me to get off my fat girl high horse.

So I'm glad somebody else came out and said it, and right there on TV too, jebus I can't imagine how their inbox overflowed!. Though a stupid comparison-anorexia is definately the more culturally 'acceptable' ED.

1 comment:

Rachel said...

Actually, I received no negative comments at all and I am surprised that you did. I think those who have personal experiences with eating disorders, especially binge eating disorder, knows this to be true.