Tuesday, July 29, 2008

How to look good naked!


Oh how I love this show! I watch it every Tuesday night.

Though perhaps I should try and stop watching it because every week it breaks my heart :O(
It is absolutely astounding to me how many women hate their bodies. We are not just talking about those that are out shape either, women with perfectly healthy and pretty perfect (IMO) bodies are hating themselves just as much as women with more 'average' figures.

If women with the supposed 'ideal' body shapes can't even love their bodies it makes me wonder how much harder it is for us mere mortals?

I make Hayd watch it with me and he sits there just dumbfounded. From what I can gather he thinks women in general are just a little bit psycho. I still don't think he realises the gravity of the problem though-or just how widespread the self imposed body hatred really is!

I have a friend, whom I love that I am a little concerned about. She has a history with bulimia. The last time I saw her she not only made various references to her own weight but commented on the weight of three other people we both know too. She wasn't being rude or anything-and she's not a stupid girl by any means (meaning she does have much more to offer than weight chats!) but it was worrying how much her own size-and the size of others appeared to consume her thoughts.

On one hand it makes me inspired-makes me want to finish my degree and get out there and fight the war. But on the other hand it makes me tired, weary, exhausted before I even get to begin. Because the battle is just so big-it feels helpless, I feel helpless.

So here's to Gok (among others) ,who is out there fighting in the trenches

Love you Gok!

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