Monday, April 28, 2008

Not in the zone

It's been a bit hard to post since we decided to start TTC again, mainly because I just have other things on my mind. I have been more inclined to read up on pregnancy and frequenting parenting forums that putting too much thought into my body image, or yours! :O)

However since we got AUSTAR television recently I have been addicted to the lifestyle channel & Discovery home and health and have found myself watching a few questionable programs that got me thinking.

Firstly TALES FROM FAT CAMP. I know it sounds horrendous just from the title doesn't it? To their credit I'm sure the folks at 'fat camp' otherwise known as CAMP SHANE mean well. They just take what is commonly accepted to be true about obesity & diet and use it to try and get some chubby kids into a more acceptable shape or in their words 'healthier'.

What strikes me as ridiculous though is that there are kids that go back every summer, very few of which look like they do if camp shane does what it is meant to do IYKWIM? seriously if camp Shane worked so well surely there would be no need to return summer after summer, more often than not fatter then when they came last time?

Of course much of the blame is placed upon the kiddies themselves........

It concerned me the other night when a young girl was brought to the medic cabin with lightheadedness/dehydration?/exhaustionm? and offered a small chocolate to raise her blood sugar? which of course she declined because she didn't want to go over her calorie allowance. Seriously she refused to even take a bite, the consellor even told her to suck it and then spit it out!!

The other show that turns my stomach a little is BIG MEDICINE focusing on gastric bypass surgery, a kind of before and after show. I have no problems with folks using surgery when they are severely obese and their health effects outweight the risks of surgery-if that's what they really want to do. The particular episode that I found disturbing was a young girl who had had the surgery and was left with a gross amount of lose skin that she eventually came in to have removed. Again, all very well and good if that is what a person wants.

What I found disturbing was the continual references to this young womans appearance, how pretty she was and how much prettier she was going to be when they created her new body for her.The scenes post surgery really turned my stomach-this girl in her underwear being poked and prodded while two old men stood around touching and feeling and making grunts of approval, admiring their handiwork in some kind of frankenstein fashion. It really freaked me out as they pointed out her flat stomach and perky lifted breasts all the while making these weird little noises and telling her how pretty and sexy she was and making references to how her personal life was going to change.

It was innapropriateand gross and it sickened me that these men ad created their own barbie like interpretation of their own ideal woman. Ick.

Apart from all the dodgy tv I have been watching all is business as usual around here. I have been feeling a little 'off' this week, very tired, queasy and miserable which I would mostly chalk up to some kind of viral thing, or PMS? and trying not to suspect a BFP so as not to be disappointed............

1 comment:

Kate said...

It might be a BFP! You never know your luck! You're doing all the right things, yeah?! ;)

Those shows sound terrible. I wish I had cable, heh.

Ergh @ the prodding doctors, I hate that!

Hoep you're feeling better soonies.
K x