Tuesday, July 1, 2008

Balertines day!

I know, I know.....I'm on a post roll.

But i had to share!

Grace just came up to me with a box, she gave me a kiss on the cheek and said "happy Balertines Day"
I said may I open this and she said, sure you can.

To my surprise this is what was inside

1 x dirty baby wipe (good lord!)
1 x used tea towel
1 x dirty skirt (her's not mine)
1 x worn underpants (again, hers not mine!)
assorted broken crayons.

My child is a precious individual & I couldn't love her more!


Kate @ Loving Life said...

very cute... what are you going to do with your pressie?!

Kate said...

That is the cutest story, isn't she gorgeous!? That would make a fab scrapping page!!!

Unknown said...

Awwwww! That is too cute! :-D

Andrea said...

I can't wait to start getting such presents. I imagine mine will involve insects and dirty dog toys.

I just caught up on your blog. Sounds like you're doing well. :) Re: paying bills before having another baby - I paid off a credit card and we paid off both our cars right as we discovered I'm pregnant. That feels AWESOME, I must tell you. I can't WAIT for you to start your own little cubby story, too. :) Much luck and good healthy vibes for you and your sweet family.